Pupil Services
Welcome to Swartz Creek! We are excited to have your family join our family. Swartz Creek Community Schools is a student-centered district that maximizes each learner’s potential, making them productive participating members of society. This website will help answer any questions regarding enrollment and residency.
We will be taking applications for the State School of Choice from Monday, January 13, 2025 through Friday, January 24, 2025. This is for the 2024-2025 second semester school year. We will be reaching out to your students current/previous schools for two years prior discipline and recent report card/transcript. Applications will be available Monday, January 13, 2025. The application link is below:
State School of Choice Application 2nd Semester 2024-2025
If approved, State School of Choice applications for Fall 2025 will be available in May 2025.
If your child turns five by September 1st of the school year that you are enrolling in they can be enrolled in Kindergarten.
If your child turns five between September 1st and December 1st of the school year that your are enrolling in, you may enroll your student in our Early Five's Kindergarten program by completing an Age Waiver.
If your child turns five after December 1st of the school year you are enrolling in please contact our Little Dragons Learning Center to learn more about our GSRP Pre-K program.
If you are enrolling a Kindergarten or Early Five's student, please visit our Kindergarten Information Page, for more information.
(click on the link at the bottom of this page for a step-by-step video of how to enroll)
Enrollment is a two-step process!
Step One:
Complete pre-registration through our electronic form system by clicking on this link:
Step Two:
Once your pre-registration has been approved, you will receive an email from PowerSchool with instructions on creating your account and completing the enrollment forms for your student. Complete the forms and gather the required documents listed below. Electronically scan or take a picture of each document with your smartphone and upload it to Enrollment Express.
Required documents to upload to Enrollment Express are:
1. Birth Certificate
2. Up-To-Date Immunizations or Waiver from the Genesee County Health Department
3. Two Proofs of Residency
-Driver's License (with correct address)
-Mortgage, lease statement, cable, or current utility/property tax bill. Please Note: Insurance bills, phone bills, and bank statements cannot be accepted as proof of residency.
4. Proof of vision and dental screenings (for Kindergarten/E5 students only)
For proof of dental screening, parent must provide the district with a Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Form (Found Here) completed within 6 months of enrollment or a written statement that the parent will ensure a dental oral assessment is administered or that the requirement violates the parent's personal religious beliefs.
Documents can also be emailed to enroll@swcrk.org or brought to the Central Office Administration building between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM if you need copies made or dropped in the red lock box located outside the front entrance to the Administration building at any time (please do not leave originals as they will not be returned).
Please Note: If you are not a Swartz Creek Community Schools district resident, your enrollment is not complete until you have filled out a State Schools of Choice application and received approval.